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Ethnic Studies

On this page you will find a list of your homework assignments. If you are ever absent or forget the assigment, you can check this page and make sure you turn your work in on time!


Ms. Johnson

Thurs. 1/8 & Fri. 1/9:
+ Binder w/4 dividers
Due: Monday, 1/13

Monday, 1/13
+ Parent Signature
Due: Tue. 1/14 & Wed. 1/15

Thurs. 1/16 & Fri. 1/17
+ Grade Sheet #1
Due: Tue. 1/21 & Wed. 1/22

Tue. 1/21 & Wed. 1/22:
+ Vocabulary sentences:
race, racism, prejudice, stereotype, culture, diverse
Due: Thurs. 1/23 & Fri. 1/24

Thurs. 1/23 & Fri. 1/24:
+ Grade Sheet #2
Due: Monday, 1/27
+ Vocabulary sentences:
allegiance, assimilation, immigrate/migrate, heterogeneous, homogeneous
Due: Tuesday, 1/28 * Wed. 1/29

Email your homework!

Email Ms. Johnson

Open Book

"Excellence is not a singular act, but a habit. You are what you repeatedly do."
- Shaquille O'Neal

Ethnic Studies at Thurgood Marshall Academic High School
45 Conkling St. San Francisco, CA 94124