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Ethnic Studies
About the Class

"Minds are like parachutes - they only function when open."
-Thomas Dewar

Long Term Goals:
- To value diversity
- To learn to cross boundaries, to encounter the world through other points of view
- To become confident in self-expression
- To become a successful high school student

Course Content Goals:
- You will understand the importance of community
- You will identify contributions made by people of various ethnic and racial groups
- You will understand how obstacles faced by different groups shape life experiences

Course Skill Goals:
- You will be able to recognize different perspectives
- You will be able to use supporting evidence in your own words
- You will be able to organnize your binder, planner and class notes
- You will be able to express your ideas in a discussion

Course Units:
1. How is my identity formed?
2. What is my own history?
3. What obstacles have different groups faced?
4. What is resistance?

Daily Activities:
- Work collaboratively with groups
- Participate in class through discussions and presentations of ideas
- Develop independent note-taking, reading and writing skills

- Respect yourself and others
- Cooperate with classmates
- Be prepared every day (if you need to borrow a pen or paper, be sure to take care of it before class begins)
- Be on time to class

Required Every Day:
- A separate ethnic studies binder, divided into 4 sections: Journal, Vocabulary, Class Notes & Handouts, and Returned Work
- 2 blue or black ink pens
- Binder paper
- Your completed homework
- Yourself, your brain, and your enthusiasm!


+ Your grade will be based on class participation, homework, projects, and quizzes and exams. Please keep in mind that your in-class participation and conduct are extremely important, and will count toward 15% of your report card grade.

+ You will calculate your grade on a Grade Sheet each week after I hand back homework and class work.

+ You will have a chance to redo most assignments to improve your grade!

Grading Standards:

A+ = 100% A = 93-99% A- = 90-92%

B+ = 87-89% B = 83-86% B- = 80-82%

C+ = 77-79% C = 73-76% C- = 70-72%

D+ = 67-69% D = 63-66% D- = 60-62%

F = 59% or lower

Ethnic Studies at Thurgood Marshall Academic High School 45 Conkling St. San Francisco, CA 94124